Posts related to various topics on this blog.

Best promotional YouTube campaign. And the winner is…

PBS has launched a rather compelling campaign promoting the quality of their programming by launching a direct attack on the Reality Television industry. TV Gone Wrong seeks to reach television viewers fed up with the low value associated with the mindless drama associated with some far off swamp or  mid-Atlantic coastal state, and donate $13 to 13. Check out the campaign below and be sure to click the overlaid annotation at the end. For those of you unfamiliar, annotations is a feature offered by YouTube to add interactivity to videos (not currently available on mobile).


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Where do gift baskets come from?

Do you ever wonder where those wonderful gift baskets we sometimes receive actually come from? I mean, who is it putting those things together? I suppose I never really thought about before spending the day with Jim Brennan, founder of PS It Matters and featured driving in the following Vine I tweeted earlier today.


I didn’t begin the day believing the act of giving a gift basket could really ever matter all that much. But that’s exactly what I discovered as Jim and I drove from Portsmouth to Portland speaking with some of the folks who have given his baskets as gifts to their clients, customers, and friends. Here’s the way it works: you purchase a basket or a gift cube and fill it with items you feel are appropriate for the situation, and 15% of the purchase price is donated to a food pantry of your choosing. Yeah, seriously… and you’re not paying marked up prices either. You’re paying the same price as you would find those items anywhere. So why wouldn’t everyone do it this way? Good question. I guess it’s up to you and me to help spread the good word and give a few of these ourselves.

[vine size=480 type=postcard]hqZlUm2gujA[/vine]

PS It Matters
York, ME
or call (855) PSITMATTERS

NOTE: This project is just one of many worth-while reasons why I love working at PixelMEDIA

What? Really #pretty #flowers


#oslo watching the rain #oslofanclub

Pause… Take a look around, and continue

When things don’t work… sometimes we have to stop what we’re doing, take a look around and assess what does work; even if that means swallowing our pride and admitting the hurdle was myself. When I was getting started in the early 2000’s, I had no idea what I wanted. All I knew was I wanted to work with video and somehow tell stories about interesting people. Sure I dabbled with blogging back then, and you know it helped me build some impressive SEO rankings. But it just didn’t jive with me, so I gave it up. Now, I’ve come full circle.

Okay, so I have some catching up to do. But that shouldn’t matter, because my success from here moving forward will stand as a good guide for you. My purpose is to demonstrate to you how you too can implement some of the very same techniques to raise your own visibility and drive more awareness (and ultimately more dollars) for your business. Let’s see how this goes.

PixelMEDIA volunteering on Star Island, NH

For the past two years, a crew from PixelMEDIA has spent a Spring day on Star Island volunteering their time and helping the island staff prepare for the upcoming season of activity. These are just some quick Vines and Instagram pics I grabbed in between projects.