Video posts made with Vine.

#Songcallab with @joshbausch because #myfriend @u_p_ plays this song each #Friday on his radio show 10-noon


Dan Freund (@MyFriendDan) on Vine

We’re gonna go for a walk – #oslo #oslofanclub


Dan Freund (@MyFriendDan) on Vine

Where do gift baskets come from?

Do you ever wonder where those wonderful gift baskets we sometimes receive actually come from? I mean, who is it putting those things together? I suppose I never really thought about before spending the day with Jim Brennan, founder of PS It Matters and featured driving in the following Vine I tweeted earlier today.


I didn’t begin the day believing the act of giving a gift basket could really ever matter all that much. But that’s exactly what I discovered as Jim and I drove from Portsmouth to Portland speaking with some of the folks who have given his baskets as gifts to their clients, customers, and friends. Here’s the way it works: you purchase a basket or a gift cube and fill it with items you feel are appropriate for the situation, and 15% of the purchase price is donated to a food pantry of your choosing. Yeah, seriously… and you’re not paying marked up prices either. You’re paying the same price as you would find those items anywhere. So why wouldn’t everyone do it this way? Good question. I guess it’s up to you and me to help spread the good word and give a few of these ourselves.

[vine size=480 type=postcard]hqZlUm2gujA[/vine]

PS It Matters
York, ME
or call (855) PSITMATTERS

NOTE: This project is just one of many worth-while reasons why I love working at PixelMEDIA

#PPMTV producer David Flood with studio guest Jay Schadler


Dan Freund (@MyFriendDan) on Vine

I’m #vine attacking @natelindquist


Dan Freund (@MyFriendDan) on Vine

Honestly, you live here.


Dan Freund (@MyFriendDan) on Vine

#Inaudible #loop


Dan Freund (@MyFriendDan) on Vine

Ah, you’re pretty.


Dan Freund (@MyFriendDan) on Vine

I’ve decided direct communication with my boss can be mediated through #Vine.


Dan Freund (@MyFriendDan) on Vine