Vine launches official profiles, finally.

Vine launches official profiles, finally.



Vine — you know, the 6 second video sharing app — has finally launched official online profiles for those without a mobile device to consume your diversionary and somewhat non-sensical content. I’m still looking for a few enhancements, such an RSS feed and I’d love to see advanced search options with date range and perhaps a grid view, but hey… they may get around to it. Remember, Vine is only 1 year old. Let’s hope it still has some tricks to offer.

And while you’re checking it out, be sure to follow me on Vine

About Dan Freund (146 Posts)

Dan is a real estate advisor serving the New Hampshire Seacoast and Southern Maine. He is driven by a passion for connecting more meaningfully with others and contributing toward their lasting success. Before entering real estate, he worked across a range of industries including publishing, consumer products, technology, manufacturing, investment banking and private equity.